Friday, 19 August 2011

Back in Malaysia

Just updating blog now back in Malaysia again. Now in Johor today the Southern tip of Malaysia after visiting students on business again. I have a lovely view of the sea and across to Singapore. Tomorrow going over the border to Singapore - just to say I've been!! Flying back to KL on Sunday my favourite city I think and looking out on the Petronas Towers once more a really breathtaking piece of architecture.

I will post some piccys of a market I went to today later. Apparently there's a Chinese festival on - Ghost Night - and in the market today the stalls were selling "Mooncake". A traditional gift given for this festival. I had a taste and wasn't impressed. They have all flavours from Chillie Bean to Almond and all sorts of flavours in-between!! They don't look like a cake to me just a very thick biscuit with patterns and designs on them but in beautiful packaging I must say.

Unfortunately during my stay here all I am being asked about are last week's riots and how shocked everyone is about them. I wish the UK could be remembered for better things, such a shame that a once proud nation can only be remembered for its riots. The Government has more to salvage than the property of the shopkeepers - I fear our reputation has been badly damaged too and some of that "stolen" along with less valuable items!!

Anyway back to brighter things of which the best bit of the market visit was a group of young Chinese Drummer Boys and girls, they were amazing, accurate and timed to perfection. Just wasn't long enough what a treat it was to see them. The heat is oppressive today but don't care once in a lifetime experience and I can put up with it a little longer!!

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